Can Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

Most resolve on their own but some need medical attention

Hemorrhoids can feel like a cactus in your anus.

Most resolve on their own but some need medical attention

Hemorrhoids are an irritating, often painful condition that occurs when the veins around the anus or lower part of the rectum become swollen and inflamed as a result of too much pressure. External hemorrhoids develop underneath the skin around the anus, while internal hemorrhoids develop in the lining of the tissues.

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, affect millions of Americans, about 1 in 20. Age is a factor. About half of adults over age 50 have hemorrhoids. As we get older, the supporting tissues in the rectum and anus become weaker and more vulnerable to pressure.

Pregnant women often experience hemorrhoids due to increased pressure on the pelvic region and lower part of the digestive tract. This pressure come from the fetus, increased blood volume and constipation.

Other causes include chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during bowel movements and sitting on the toilet for extended periods. Frequently lifting heavy objects may also increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid symptoms vary depending on whether the inflamed veins are external or internal.

External hemorrhoids may cause anal itching and pain, especially while seated. Also, you may feel one or more tender lumps around the anal area. Scratching, rubbing or excessively cleaning the area can make symptoms worse.

With internal hemorrhoids, you may notice bright red blood when you have a bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids are not usually painful unless they fall through the anal opening, called prolapsing.

While hemorrhoids are not dangerous, they can develop complications. An external hemorrhoid may become infected or develop blood clots. Internal hemorrhoid bleeding may lead to anemia, or a low red blood cell count.

How are hemorrhoids treated at home?

In most cases, hemorrhoids go away on their own within a few days, including prolapsed hemorrhoids, or with simple measures.

These measures include:

  • Eat more high-fiber foods, such as whole grains and green, leafy vegetables
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Minimize coffee and alcoholic beverages as they can further irritate the area
  • Avoid straining during a bowel movement as this can make hemorrhoids worse
  • Use a fiber supplement or gentle stool softener

If you have pain, try taking a warm bath or a sitz bath, which may be taken in a bathtub or using a plastic basin that attaches to a toilet. Sitz bath kits are available at stores. Adding Epsom salt may help to soothe the irritation. Be sure to dry the area thoroughly after a bath.

Some people find it soothing to clean the anal region with a moist towel or baby wipe after a bowel movement.

Over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams or suppositories can help relieve mild symptoms, such as itching, pain and swelling. Follow the directions carefully.

When to see the doctor

If at-home remedies do not provide relief, it may be time to see a doctor.

“If you still have symptoms after a week, or you have rectal bleeding, call your provider for an appointment,” says Lina Dajani, MD, an internal medicine physician at Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines.

“Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of bleeding, but we want to rule out other conditions that can cause bleeding, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and cancer.”

If you have severe pain or bleeding, call your doctor right away, especially if you also have fever or abdominal pain. Your doctor will start with a physical exam and medical history.

External hemorrhoids often can be diagnosed with a visual exam. Internal hemorrhoids may be diagnosed with a digital rectal exam or an anoscopy, which uses a device called an anoscope inserted into the rectum to examine the area.

“If medical treatment for hemorrhoids is needed, we may use various procedures to cut off the blood supply and/or cause scar tissue to form, both of which shrink the hemorrhoid,” says Dr. Dajani.

In some cases, a surgeon may perform a hemorrhoidectomy to remove large external hemorrhoids and prolapsing internal hemorrhoids.

Can hemorrhoids be prevented?

Some people experience recurring hemorrhoids. Factors such as weakened supporting tissues in the rectum and anus can raise the risk of hemorrhoids.

You can make lifestyle changes to help prevent hemorrhoids. Make sure to eat plenty of high-fiber foods and talk to your doctor about adding a fiber supplement to your diet. Maintaining hydration can help soften stools, making them easier to pass.

Try not to spend more time sitting on the toilet than necessary. If you are not ready to go, try again later.

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